(630) 234-8331

FAQs About a New Roof in Naperville, IL

FAQs About a New Roof in Naperville, IL - Happy Roofing

If your roof is nearing the end of its lifespan, you probably have some questions. Check out these frequently asked questions regarding roof replacement in Naperville, IL.

How Do I Know If It’s Time To Replace My Roof?

There are many signs it’s time to contact roofers in Naperville, IL, for a roof replacement. Here are the most common:

  • Damaged shingles. If you have several shingles that are curling, it may be time for a replacement. Compromised shingles expose the rooftop, which can lead to leaks, moisture damage, mold, and more.
  • Algae growth. When proper care and maintenance aren’t practiced, algae can grow on any type of roof. The bacteria that forms from algae can eat through the shingles. If you notice algae on your roof, it may be time to get in touch with a Naperville roofing company.
  • Missing shingles. Roofing contractors in Naperville, IL, are skilled in installing shingles to keep them in place. However, strong storms and winds can loosen shingles as they age. If your home is missing shingles, you run the risk of rainwater entering your home.

Get in touch with a trustworthy roof repair Naperville contractor. They’ll let you know whether you need a simple repair or if a complete replacement is necessary.

Should I Replace the Entire Roof or Just Damaged Shingles?

Roofing companies in Naperville, IL, will tell you that replacing the entire roofing system is the best option for enhancing its performance. However, reputable contractors won’t encourage a replacement if only minor repairs are needed. This is why it’s so important to enlist the help of a trustworthy roofing contractor near you.

Do Roofing Contractors in Naperville, IL Conduct Replacements in the Winter?

Spring is the most popular time of the year for roofing companies in Naperville, IL. However, many contractors will replace your roof in the wintertime. Experienced roofers in Naperville will know how to properly install a replacement in colder temperatures.

Can a New Roof Lower My Energy Bill?

Yes, it can! Let’s say your rooftop is nearing the end of its lifespan. It’s likely there are damaged shingles or gaps where air can leak in. This will cause your energy bill to increase by making your HVAC system work harder to keep your home at a cool temperature. When you replace your roof, your HVAC doesn’t work as hard, meaning it doesn’t use as much energy.

Get in touch with roofers in Naperville to learn more about how a replacement will lower your energy bill.

What are the Benefits of New Roofing?

Roofers in Naperville will be the first to share that roof replacement is an investment. Not only will homeowners receive a rooftop that looks great, but they’ll enjoy the following benefits:

  • Boost in curb appeal and home value
  • Potential energy savings
  • Ice dam prevention during colder months

Contact Roofers in Naperville, IL Today!

Is it time for a new roof? Get in touch with a reputable Naperville roofing company. At Happy Roofing, we provide top-notch replacement or roof repair in Naperville. Give us a call today at (630)-234-8331 to schedule a service.



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