(630) 234-8331

How Snow and Ice Impact Your Roof

How Snow and Ice Impact Your Roof

As the weather gets colder, roof repair in Naperville becomes more necessary. For all the magic and nostalgia of snow, the aftermath can be devastating if it’s not properly addressed.

Today, we’ll discuss why removing snow from your roof can’t be put off until later. But we’re not just here to worry you. We’re also here to offer the services of the most reliable roofers in Naperville.

1. The Weight Can Cause Damage

No matter how sturdy a structure is, it should never hold more weight than it’s designed to for an indefinite period of time. Anything that has to carry something heavy will eventually give out.

This means an entire portion of your roof has the potential to collapse. Instead of letting it get to this point and then having to wait for costly roof repair in Naperville, get the snow off of your house as soon as you can reasonably do so.

It’s worth pointing out that if you try to do this yourself, it’s easy to fall and hurt yourself. Instead, rely on roofers in Naperville, IL who have experience in the matter.

2. Cold Wears Down Your Shingles Over Time

Think about how crackly your lips get when you’ve been out in cold weather for a long time. The same thing happens with your shingles. When they reach this point, the only thing that will help you is to get roofing companies in Naperville involved.

If your shingles have a different color or texture after a snowstorm, it’s time to contact roofers in Naperville to investigate for damage.

3. The Melted Snow Can Create Leakage

This is one of the most common reasons roofing contractors in Naperville, IL are called. Water can find its way into any vulnerability in your structure, where it will seep into your house. If unattended for long enough, it’ll become a leak. Even if you think your roof is sturdy, there might be cracks you’ll miss if you don’t have trained eyes like roofers in Naperville, IL.

Don’t be afraid to call roofing contractors in Naperville, IL to inspect your roof for any potential damage. It’s much easier to prevent a problem than to try to fix it after the fact.

4. Ice Dams

All the roofing companies in Naperville, IL can tell you that this is the biggest threat to a house’s structure after a winter storm. It happens when the snow melts and gathers around the edge of your roof and then freezes back together, sticking to the surface.

Along with all the concerns we’ve mentioned, ice dams can cause your roof to become soggy and filled with mold. Instead of a solid defense, your roof will become softer and easier to collapse – not to mention the health hazards that can result from mold.

What to Do

A buildup of snow on your roof isn’t something you can ignore. The best thing you can do is to let a professional handle it, and you won’t find a better Naperville roofing company than Happy Roof. Call us for an appointment today at (630)-234-8331!



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Free Resource: Make Sure Your Roof Gets Done Right

Let’s be real – getting your roof repaired or replaced isn’t cheap, so no corners should be cut during the process. Download our free PDF guide and make sure you avoid these costly mistakes so you can stop worrying about leaks and further damage to your home.