(630) 234-8331

How Do You Know If Your Roof Was Damaged After a Storm in Naperville, IL

How Do You Know If Your Roof Was Damaged After a Storm

As sought-after roofers in Naperville, we know that storms can damage your roof from high winds, downpours, thunderstorms, hail, snow accumulation, and so much more. Before you seek roof repair in Naperville, you should assess your roof to see whether it’s sustained damage. After all, plenty of roofing companies in Naperville, IL, might charge you for unnecessary repairs.

Let’s see what warning signs you should look for.

Assessing Post-Storm Damage

After a storm, you should thoroughly inspect your home for signs of storm damage.

High winds may have loosened shingles and let water in. Hailstones can knock granules off your shingles or cause dents or cracks. Standing water or blocked gutters can lead to water infiltrating your walls and causing mold problems. Debris, such as tree branches, may be blown onto your roof, weakening its structural integrity.

As practiced roofers in Naperville, IL, we recommend you do the following:

  • Begin in your attic, checking for signs of water leaking in or rotten wood. If any sunlight is visible through your roof, you may have loose or missing shingles. Call Happy Roofing for roof repair in Naperville.
  • Inspect the ceiling and walls for signs of moisture, mold, mildew, or blistering of any painted surfaces.
  • Go outside and look over your roof thoroughly. If you see signs of damage or shingles, flashing, or other debris on the ground, get hold of the best roofers in Naperville. See whether there is damage to flashing, fascias, soffits, or gutters.
  • If any broken tree limbs are lying on your roof (or worse, a fallen tree weighing on it), you will need the services of roofing contractors in Naperville, IL.
  • Place buckets or plastic totes under any significant leaks to catch falling water, and remove anything valuable to avoid further damage.
  • Get hold of Happy Roofing contractors in Naperville, IL, to carry out any urgent repair, such as strapped tarping. You may also want to contact experienced roofers in Naperville to inspect your roof thoroughly for any damage you’ve missed.

Contact Your Insurance Company

Failure to get roofers in Naperville to carry out repairs as soon as possible can lead to rotten wood inside your home, weakening its structure and possibly necessitating a complete replacement of the roof.  You could also be stuck with mold problems that are health hazards.

Get ahold of your insurance company to report what has happened and determine whether your insurance covers repairs or whether you should pay a Naperville roofing company yourself.

After storms and severe weather have hit our area, roofing companies in Naperville, IL, will be busy repairing the damage. Getting help as soon as possible is optimal, as you avoid further damage and protect the value of your home and its contents.

Hire Responsible and Experienced Roofers in Naperville, IL

When it comes to getting excellent service to deal with damage to your roof after a storm, you should go with roofers in Naperville who have a long track record and glowing testimonials.

Contact Happy Roofing by calling (630)-234-8331.



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Free Resource: Make Sure Your Roof Gets Done Right

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